EA Lowers Forecast and Cuts Its Work Force
thoughts, rants and opinions about pc and console games from the mind of a girl gamer.
Vault 101 – Jewel of the Wastes. For 200 years, Vault 101 has faithfully served the surviving residents of Washington DC and its environs, now known as the Capital Wasteland. Though the global atomic war of 2077 left the US all but destroyed, the residents of Vault 101 enjoy a life free from the constant stress of the outside world. Giant Insects, Raiders, Slavers, and yes, even Super Mutants are all no match for superior Vault-Tec engineering. Yet one fateful morning, you awake to find that your father has defied the Overseer and left the comfort and security afforded by Vault 101 for reasons unknown. Leaving the only home you’ve ever known, you emerge from the Vault into the harsh Wasteland sun to search for your father, and the truth.Um, global atomic war of 2077? Anyone else a little worried here? I mean, I won't have hit 100 yet by then and I feel like people will probably be pushing 120 or so before they die and you know, I'm really not too interested in witnessing global atomic war at age 93. Still, it does sound sort of cool to explore post-apocalyptic America and see all the burnt-out landmarks and whatnot. Also, Super Mutants! I'm pretty sure this one will be gracing our game shelf in no time, probably for the PC now that we've already got the gamepad.
I was an honorable man when I began my quest for ultimate power. In my youth I was a hero. I put others’ needs before my own. I sacrificed my body to protect the innocent. Lionized far and wide, I returned home after years battling my nation’s enemies, a paragon of virtue.
Then I turned to politics. I married an aristocrat. I built a fortune in the beer business. And as my wealth grew, so did my quest for power. With the highest office in the land within my grasp, I was seduced into betraying my principles. I turned from the path of righteousness and fell into corruption. I sacrificed my honor in desperate lust to become king.
That’s how I have played Fable II, the delightful and provocative new role-playing game from Microsoft for the Xbox 360. How you play is entirely up to you.
Video Game Review - Fable II - Date With Destiny of Your Choosing
[Gina] Sutton, in New York to celebrate her sweet 16 at the Nintendo World Store on September 12, said games that focused on cooking, fashion and babysitting were demeaning. Some of her favorite games are cartoon fighting game Super Smash Bros., racecar game Mario Kart and farm simulation game Harvest Moon.
"But I'm a little guilty of playing Cooking Momma, so I shouldn't judge," she said.
What will happen this holiday season thanks to the weak economy is anybody’s guess. Both Nintendo and Sony spokespeople emphasized the long-held belief that entertainment does well when times are tough.
Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America’s executive vice president of sales and marketing, declined to predict how Wii sales would fare, except to note that she thought they would be “robust.”
Looks like in addition to Gears of War we'll be seeing movies based on the Sims (sweet!), Prince of Persia, and more Street Fighter, to name a few.Stuart Beattie, who worked on the Pirates of the Caribbean films, has penned a script for a "Gears of War" movie, based on Epic Games' best-selling franchise.
"For those of us who know how great games are for source material in Hollywood, we're all scrambling to try to make the big game movie that will show Hollywood just how powerful game translations can be on the big screen if they're done right," said Beattie, who is a huge gamer.
Combat in Dead Space becomes complicated when Necromorphs do not simply "die" after receiving a certain number of gun rounds. In fact, depending on how they are wounded, Necromorphs can adopt new stances and tactics, even sprouting new limbs and giving birth in the process. To defeat the Necromorphs, Isaac must utilize "strategic dismemberment," the methodical severance of specific limbs or sections of the Necromorphs. Dead Space's executive producer, Glen Schofield, has said that "the primary theme of Dead Space is dismemberment," and early previews of the game have noted the high levels of gore.
“We’re hearing from educators that their students are going in before school and after school and playing on their own at home,” he said. “We hear they can’t get them off the machines.”And it's actually having an effect on grades because kids are, of course, really into video games and, like fiber in delicious breakfast cereal, they don't realize they are also getting something good for them. I think it's a great idea although it's not that new. I remember loving the "video game" type activities we did in middle school to get us good at typing and whatnot, and I also loved Math Blaster and other such learning games. Also, we definitely got to play the Oregon Trail in school, although that was mostly about getting dysentery and breaking wagon wheels. Still, it's a time-proven fact that video games are like crack for kids and if you can design one that teaches, schools might pay you a lot of money!
Ayman El Haddad, 13, who said he has been playing video games since he was 8, said he was skeptical at first about Dimension M but now plays it exclusively. He spends three hours a night, five days a week, on the game, often enticing a few of his classmates to join him.Video Game Helps Math Students Vanquish an Archfiend- AlgebraAs Ayman has improved at the game, so has his math grade — rising to a 93 at the end of the last school year, from 85 in the first marking period. He explained: “I started studying more because of the game.”
Chastity Gere will no longer cause an error if married
I'll refer to one of my favorite Futurama quotes for this story:What is most interesting here is that this is one of the few times that Google wants to sell ads through negotiation rather than forcing everything to go through its automated auction. Slowly, Google’s ideology is taking the back seat to its desire to actually serve its publisher and advertiser clients.
In other words, even with casual games, Google is now playing to win.
Researchers, who are just beginning to explore the cognitive effects of video games, have found that in laboratory settings, action gamers are better than nonplayers at focusing on tasks and ignoring irrelevant distractions.
Some gaming evangelists suggest reading feels too passive to youngsters who want the sense of power conferred by a control pad.
“Games are teaching critical thinking skills and a sense of yourself as an agent having to make choices and live with those choices,” said James Paul Gee, the author of the book “What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy.” “You can’t screw up a Dostoevsky book, but you can screw up a game.”
Ignoring irrelevant distractions while focusing is definitely something video games can teach a kid but ultimately, I think that books serve a different purpose in a kid's development... I get the feeling that a lot of kids these days don't spend much time working from their own imaginations, and I have to think video games have some blame there! This article does mention using Civilization to teach kids about history and I think that is fantastic - I am a big fan of the Sierra ancient city building games and they are generally historically accurate and well made, and very fun to play if you like building.
This year, Nintendo executives said there would be a “significant increase” in Wiis in stores, though they stopped short of promising that the company would be able meet demand entirely. “Will there be enough to meet demand?” Reggie Fils-Aime, president of Nintendo of America, said. “Ask me in January.”Sounds like Nintendo will also be releasing several cool and innovative new titles, along with the new MotionPlus wiimotes, so it should be a joyous Wii season this year. So glad I found my Wii and my Wii Fit both without having to spend more than market value. There's nothing worse than jonesing for some exclusive (expensive) product during the peak of the holiday sales season.
The DS has in the past been outsold in Japan by Sony's PSP but that hasn't stopped Nintendo from cementing itself as the fifth most valuable Japanese company. And I have to say, I've seen more DS being played on my last few public transportation ventures than I have PSP. I have not played much DS although I did just snag my sister's abandoned DS recently. All we have for it is Mario Kart which is pretty sweet."We are finding ourselves in an unprecedented stage where one of every six people (in Japan) has the DS," Nintendo President Satoru Iwata told a news conference on Thursday.
"We will strive not only to appeal to those households without the DS, but to promote a shift to 'one DS per person' from 'one DS per household'."