After several weeks of watching the boyfriend play
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion for hours on end I finally broke down and had him help me set up my own character. I've never really played RPGs so this is a fun new challenge for me. I made a female
Khajiit (translation: kitty person) that specializes in stealth and sneakiness. So far the game is pretty awesome and definitely amazing to look at. The graphics of the world and the detail to every little item, plant or character is mind-blowing. I've also been pleasantly surprised at my own ability to kill enemies, which I generally underestimate (although the sliding difficulty scale helped this too). I'm sure I will get many hours of fun playtime out of this crazy expansive game. Also, the boy found this cool
Oblivion Character Creator online, where you can enter the attributes you picked for your character and it spits back the skill levels/points you'll be starting with. Pretty nifty, and just the tip of the iceberg of amazing online Oblivion resources, including this
Google Maps lookalike Oblivion map. Amazing!
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