The wonderful Wii continues to sell more systems than the other consoles, selling more than both Xbox and PS3 combined in September 2008. Xbox in fact declined in sales since last year, mostly due to everybody having already bought
Halo 3. Wiis are still in short supply so the 37% increase since last year could have been even greater, and four of the top ten titles are Wii games (
Wii Play and
Star Wars: the Force Unleashed) compared to two last year. Of course with the economy as bad as it is everyone is worrying about the holiday season, which for many companies drives the majority of yearly sales revenue.
What will happen this holiday season thanks to the weak economy is anybody’s guess. Both Nintendo and Sony spokespeople emphasized the long-held belief that entertainment does well when times are tough.
Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America’s executive vice president of sales and marketing, declined to predict how Wii sales would fare, except to note that she thought they would be “robust.”
Will Nothing Slow Wii?
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