Anyway that was a long and rambling intro to an interesting article from Game Informer about cheating in MMOs and what the game's developers try to do to prevent it happening (article link below). This article outlines for me exactly why I like my one-player games in my own non-MMO world. I like to be the most awesome one in my games, not some jerk who I have to see all the time when playing! Also, there are so many mean and stupid things done in the name of MMO cheating - bots that play your character for you (while you pay the monthly subscription, right?), taking advantages of glitches to fuck over other people, killing friends and willing victims for point ups... I'm just not sure exactly why these people bother playing games, I mean why not just go, like, become competitive in the real world?
I want to make a quick note down at the bottom that I am aware of how many gals take part in MMORPGs and that they account for a huge percentage of the girly gamer population and I don't fault them for finding a cool outlet to rock it out as chicks against the dude establishment. I still have love for all girl gamers and would certainly enjoy discussing the merits of these games... as long as I don't have to hang out in your mom's basement! Burn! :D
Cheaters: A Special Report
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