Of all of these, Battletoads probably stays closest to its subject material. I'm going to chalk that up to the fact that Battletoads was already just about the stupidest thing imaginable.Top 5 Not-So-Classic Videogame Cartoons from 1Up.com
thoughts, rants and opinions about pc and console games from the mind of a girl gamer.
Of all of these, Battletoads probably stays closest to its subject material. I'm going to chalk that up to the fact that Battletoads was already just about the stupidest thing imaginable.Top 5 Not-So-Classic Videogame Cartoons from 1Up.com
People will say PS3 took a while to get going but it really caught up very quickly and confounded many of the critics from the first year," he said of the consoles position on the market.I have heard rumors that Sony is planning a re-release of the backwards-compatible Playstation 3 that plays most PS2 games. I could see potentially buying one at that point but the PS3's current price tag and fairly threadbare game library just aren't enough to get me yet. I guess we'll see if Reeves' predictions play out or if his optimism is just wishful thinking.
"When I see the line-up ahead, when I see what's lined up on the new product side, I'm very, very optimistic for what I see for PlayStation's future in the PAL territories," he added.
For Fallout, we decided the sweet spot for us developing and for what the users wanted was to do themed “packs”, not one-off weapons or armors, but a pack that comes as one long adventure that has its own identity, that has some more meat on it. And so far, that model has been very popular both internally and externally.GR Asks: How do devs decide the size and price of DLC?
One nifty bit of trivia that we learned is that the original 3D backgrounds for Marvel vs. Capcom 2 were created at a higher resolution than the arcades or home consoles could handle at the time. Those assets were saved, which means this new version of the game will have the best looking backgrounds yet seen in Marvel vs. Capcom 2.
We can't do everything at once, so we have to say, 'What platforms would it kind of evolve the fastest on?' So you can sort of look at a straight port to the PS3 and Xbox 360 and basically have the same game we have on the PC... or we could say, 'What can we do on this platform that will help us explore different parts of the design?' I think the Wii is really unique in that sense, with the things you can do on Wii that you can't do on other platforms right now. It's represented a lot of learning for us in terms of the directions we might take it. So I'd say that's one of the under-appreciated aspects of how we choose to deploy this on different platforms.
The alleged practice of GameStop lending new copies of games to employees at their stores and then later selling those games as new, unused copies, may be a violation of federal law.
GameStop's "check-out" policy, confirmed to Kotaku by a number of the chain's managers and employees, could fall under scrutiny of the Federal Trade Commission.
Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Mummy (ships 5/26/09). Sounds like another hopefully good point-and-click mystery adventure surrounding a murder most foul. The plot involves archaeology and a mummy and claims to have many challenging riddles and puzzles to solve.Miami Law (ships 6/9/09). Another adventure game although this one is a little more action-y as well. IGN calls it somewhat Phoenix Wright-like in its graphic novel format which sounds like my cup of tea, plus it just looks kind of cool!Flower Sun and Rain (ships 6/16/09). From Killer 7 and No More Heroes creator Suda51, this is actually a remake of a PS2 game. The plot follows the main character as he experiences the same day - and terrorist attack - over and over at a hotel and must figure out why. This one's getting a lot of hype and hopefully will incorporate some creative touch-screen functions into the game along with many new puzzles that have been added from the PS2 version.
If Nintendo is really committed to reaching a broader, more diverse audience of gamers beyond the "kids" market that they've always engaged, there isn't much new with the DSi to support that. Significant gamer demographic groups are being ignored, and there continues to be limited opportunities for games from external publishers to do well on the DSi. Compare that with the PSP platform, where we have many blockbuster franchises from our publishing partners launching this year, representing a wide variety of genres and targeting diverse demographics. Games such as Rock Band Unplugged from MTV Games, Assassin's Creed from Ubisoft, Dissidia Final Fantasy from Square Enix, and Hannah Montana from Disney demonstrate the commitment that publishers have to the PSP. From our own first-party studios, we're launching unique versions of LittleBigPlanet and MotorStorm, and we're also planning a steady stream of downloadable games -- both new titles and PSone classics -- to add to the content that PSP owners can already purchase wirelessly through PlayStation Store.
The 8-bit Game Boy family ruled portable gaming from 1989 until its 32-bit successor, the Game Boy Advance, came along in 2001. The system wasn't actually discontinued until 2003, a 14-year reign unmatched by any platform besides the Atari VCS and SNK's Neo-Geo. The difference, of course, is that the Game Boy sold healthily until the very end, where those longer-lived contenders were well into "obscure niche" territory by the time they wheezed to an obsolescent finale. The only system that's ever outsold the Game Boy family (by which I mean Game Boy, GB Pocket, GB Light, and GB Color) is PlayStation 2...although the DS is closing in rapidly.
“Take-Two’s seven-year backdating scheme was egregious and pervasive, and caused the company to materially misrepresent its financial condition to investors,” Christopher Conte, an S.E.C. attorney in Washington overseeing the case, said in a statement.
The S.E.C. contended Mr. Brant and other former senior executives had “fraudulently enriched” key employees by granting them stock options backdated to days of historically low closing prices. Mr. Brant pleaded guilty to falsifying records and was sentenced to five years’ probation.
"In celebration of the arrival of April, the wackiness of April Fool's Day, and the upcoming 3rd anniversary of the release of Horse Armor (Friday, April 3), we are pleased to announce that for the next week all Oblivion DLC for Xbox 360 is half price, except for Horse Armor, which is twice as much as usual."Oblivion DLC half off, Horse armor twice as much