Tuesday, June 30, 2009
call of juarez: bound in blood review

new games lately

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
cursed mountain sounds supercool

new games,
survival horror,
wii games
gaming news from all over

Penn and Teller will add video games to their list of topics to address on their Showtime show Bullsh*t! this season. The new season starts June 25th and unless the video game clips show up on Youtube I doubt anyone will ever see them.
The NPD Group will no longer release weekly PC sales charts documenting the ups and downs of the PC sales market. Sims 3 and Ghostbusters top the Direct2Drive chart while Left 4 Dead, Empire: Total War and Prototype are the top 3 on Steam's monthly chart.
Final Fantasy VII is the fastest-selling classic game download ever. The RPG for original Playstation has sold over 100,000 digital copies for play on the PS3 or PSP since being added to the North American Playstation Network at the beginning of June.
game marketing,
in the news,
old games,
pc games,
spore: galactic adventures review

personal trainer: walking

ds games,
fitness games,
handheld gaming,
wii fit
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
iphone bone controller

Gamers bone up on the iPhone
new xbox360 features on the horizon

On a side note since I've tagged this post with Microsoft, am I the only one seriously hating on Bing and its retarded commercials where someone asks someone else a question and the person goes into a zombie-like state of rattling off quasi-related web hits supposedly from Google? I'm sorry but if you Google "foods you can't eat while pregnant" literally every single hit on the front page is relevant and useful. Try again, Microsoft. At right: everyone's favorite red ring of death.
game development,
game marketing,
in the news,
xbox 360
playing wii could help treat parkinson's

Studies have shown that exercise and video games independently can increase the production of dopamine, a neurotransmitter deficient in Parkinson's patients. He suspects that's the case with the Wii’s exercise effect. Dopamine also helps improve voluntary, functional movements, which Parkinson’s patients "use or lose," Dr. Herz says.Nintendo Wii May Enhance Parkinson's Treatment
fitness games,
in the news,
old gamers,
wii games
duke nukem apparently still in the works

Duke Nukem Forever Still in Development
Thursday, June 18, 2009
xbox 360 project natal bundle?

Aaron Greenberg, director of product management, told Eurogamer: “I think part of the excitement about this announcement is that in many ways we are delivering a next generation experience this generation. With that said, I can confirm that Natal will run on Xbox 360 so no new console investment will be necessary.”Rumor: Speculation Surrounding a New 360 Gets Added Fuel
game marketing,
in the news,
xbox 360
bioshock/oblivion bundle announced

people love cooking video games

Video Games: Now They're Cookin'
ds games,
handheld gaming,
in the news,
pc games,
wii games
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
rhythm heaven is so awesome

ds games,
handheld gaming,
music games,
mtv true life: addicted to video games

MTV True Life Looking for Gamer Addicts
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
scary video games and stephen king

Stephen King's work and video games
gaming news from all over

Teen who killed his parents over Halo 3 gets 23 years with possibility of parole. Apparently the major reason for the more lenient sentencing was the defense that video games make you do bad things. Because the many millions of other people playing Halo 3 are all clearly murderers who would kill their own parents. [/sarcasm]
President Obama tacks video games onto a list of health problems along with smoking and poor diets. I won't argue that fat kids need to get off the couch and play outside more often but it's pretty short-sighted to be calling video games a "hindrance to kids' education and overall success as maturing adults". More like O-booo-ma!
British lawmakers are considering offering tax breaks to videogame developers. Many filmmakers and movie studios already benefit from tax breaks offered by certain locations to draw local enterprise, and now this benefit may be extended to game developers.
four goofy game marketing efforts

The 4 Most Shameless Videogame Marketing Efforts
Thursday, June 11, 2009
nintendo ds as a learning tool

IGN: DS in the Classroom
brutal legend embroiled in legal battle

Jack Black Video Game in a Legal Tug of War
EA games,
game development,
in the news,
new games,
xbox 360
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
e3 showcases bloody upcoming games

IGN: E3 2009's Most Violent Games
project natal has people all astir

Project Natal will "reinvent the industry" - Microsoft
game development,
in the news,
new games,
xbox 360
e3 shows industry's devotion to hardcore gamers

Video Game Makers Keep Focus on Core Market
tetris celebrates 25 years

Computer Game Tetris Celebrates 25 Years
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
getting friendly with the sims 3

-A pair of Sims is actually easier to learn with than a solo Sim, especially if they keep very different schedules.
-What a Sim does at work can really affect his or her life so keep close tabs on how your Sim spends the workday.
-Spend your Sim’s Lifetime Happiness points ASAP – my favorite 5,000 point rewards so far are the ones that let you clean faster and slack off at work with no consequences.
-If you’re looking to build a home for your Sim, pick a lot near the beach for multiple benefits like happiness from a good view and easy access to fishing.
-Check your Sim’s inventory tab regularly as useful items like books or plant seeds can appear there without you noticing.
-If you have an HP computer and are wondering what happened to the cheat code box, you can access it by holding ctrl + shift + the windows button + C. Many cheat codes carried over from the Sims 2 including the always useful “kaching”.
-Take time to explore each Sim’s available interactions. Each personality trait adds a ton of distinct behaviors and socializing and many will combine for even crazier options!
lux-pain: definitely weird

ds games,
handheld gaming,
survival horror
video games vs. video game software

Friday, June 5, 2009
project natal is pretty cool!
Motion controls are all the rage these days and everyone's got something in the works, but the one that really has people talking after E3 this week is Microsoft's Project Natal, a camera-based motion control system (unveiled by Stephen Spielberg!) whose tagline is "you are the controller"! This thing is cool. Project Natal lets you control your on-screen character with.. well, just you. You move around and a camera senses your motions, and also appears to be able to recognize your voice and face. I'm pretty curious to see this thing take off commercially and I can't wait to see the games available with this technology! Natal is clearly a major innovation to look forward to in the video game industry. Watch Peter Molyneux's E3 presentation on Project Natal with Claire and "Milo" below. Crazy stuff!
first impressions of sims 3

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
final fantasy VII on the playstation network!

e3 roundtable debut of new wii zelda

E3 2009: Miyamoto Reveals New Zelda for Wii
game development,
new games,
old gamers,
wii games
this game sounds... well, just awful

fighting games,
game development,
new games,
xbox 360
mario galaxy 2 revealed at e3

Kotaku: Mario Galaxy 2 Screens and Trailer
game development,
in the news,
new games,
wii games
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
game news from all over

Halo: Reach trailer debuts after ODST demo. Microsoft unveiled the next game in the hugely successful Xbox exclusive Halo franchise after showing off their demo of Halo 3: ODST, out this fall, at their E3 presentation.
"Rape games" are now officially officially banned in Japan. Can't say I have any kind of problem with this.
Microsoft unveils new video/motion capture controller. The device lets the player control characters in a game by moving their arms and legs. Personally, I like sitting on my couch, but that's just me.
Sega's E3 booth lineup of games includes The Conduit, Aliens vs. Predator, and Mario & Sonic at the Winter Olympic Games. And the crowd goes "meh".
Monday, June 1, 2009
sims 3 review at IGN

playstation 3 price cut at e3?

game marketing,
in the news,
exciting wii fit news

fitness games,
in the news,
wii fit,
wii games
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