I love pretty much anything scary: books, movies, video games; if it makes me jump out of my skin I'm there. Lately I've been allowing myself to really get immersed into
Fatal Frame and it's paying off by raising my heart rate over and over again with scary ghosts and intense
J-horror style scenes. My love for scary stuff extends to many of the works of
Stephen King and as such, I'm surprised that I never thought about how well some of his stories would translate to video game format. Lucky for me, this guy did, and decided to detail his feelings on transitioning King novels and short stories into different genres of video games. One idea that occurred to me after reading the article was a survival horror interpretation of
Pet Sematary - how sick would that be?? The final boss could be the evil baby and then, surprise twist, your undead wife! The wealth of character and plot in King's works certainly lends itself to some interesting game ideas. Check it out.
Stephen King's work and video games
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