At this point I decided to say 'screw Wii Fit' and I got EA Active instead, which is awesome. Aaaaanyway I finally decided last week to get a new Wii Fit Plus with balance board and I'm so glad I did. I've really missed working out with Miis! Upon installation it actually recognized our previous Wii Fit information, which was nice because it already had my profile loaded and ready to go. It was not so nice because the first thing Mr. Balance Board informed me of was that I had gained 14 lbs since my last Wii Fitting. Uggggggh not like I didn't expect but ugggggh again. Good motivation though! I was glad to find that Wii Fit Plus includes everything from original Wii Fit plus a few new yoga and strength exercises as well as a bunch of fun new balance games. It also includes a great feature that lets you build a custom routine that keeps going like EA Active, unlike original Wii Fit which made you select each exercise individually. This means it is much more like a workout and less like a game. With summer weather coming I'm glad to have another option for Wii workouts - I love EA Active but the two of them together offer a lot of variety and I think it will be easier to keep up on a routine switching between them. If you've never tried Wii Fit and are looking for a new in-home exercise system, give it some consideration - it's a lot of fun while also effective and great for record-keeping.
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