It's easy to assume that board-games-turned-video-games might have some catching up to do when it comes to competing with popular game titles for our attention. Luckily most of them are priced right and on some platforms it's a genre that really works. Sadly, a board game working doesn't necessarily mean it will still be a good video game.
Monopoly on the Xbox 360 is in fact a pretty fun game with all your favorite Parker Bros. game features plus a nice variety of boards to play in a tight and fast-paced virtual setting. Unfortunately it's freakin' hard, too!
Monopoly suffers a bit from the same problem of
Mario Party games and other video-board games which is that the realistic randomness is gone and you can't help but wonder why you never land on the Community Chest while everyone else has passed Go four times since the last time you did. Sour grapes, I know, which is why I'm admitting that this game is a lot of fun while also fairly frustrating and, as of yet, unwinnable even on Easy!
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