I’ve been crazy busy with work lately but luckily I’ve had a chance to play
EA Sports Active a few times and I am already feeling it for sure. EA Active uses the Wii’s motion controllers to map out a series of intense and effective exercises. You use the Wii remote and nunchuk as well as an included resistance band to perform strength exercises like squats, lunges and other extensions along with cardio activities like running, baseball, and in-line skating. So far I’m having a lot of fun and the easily customizable workouts make it no problem to pick up anytime and use your free time to the fullest extent. The graphics are a nice realistic step up from Wii Fit and the flow of the workout definitely gets my heart rate up. If you like
Wii Fit but have always wanted something a little more geared towards real exercise, EA Active is a good bet.
Sounds good. My wife and I have been wondering about getting this, so your good impression of the product will probably clinch it.
Definitely recommend it. The nice thing about Active as opposed to Wii Fit as well is you can pick up extra sets of the gear you need and do 2-player workouts! I only wish I had time to do it every day.
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