Monday, November 3, 2008

fallout 3 is ridiculously huge

Nerds over here! Many hours this weekend were spent "co-gaming" as we call it with me playing Oblivion on the Xbox and the boy finishing Dead Space for PC. He totally beat it and immediately wanted to go get Fallout 3, so we did! He's logged quite a lot of time already and seems to be rapidly sliding down the "good" scale, hehe. It's impressive but not surprising how similar to Oblivion it is in some RPG aspects, but of course it has a very different feel to it and a much bleaker landscape and general storyline. It seems to have a lot more emphasis on your conversations with people than Oblivion does, which is intriguing. Also I love all the Atomic Cafe style music and Big Boy-esque logos, all the ruined American monuments and the beautiful graphics, which are super smooth and amazing to look at on my sweet 22" widescreen monitor. Still, it's fun playing my fairy-tale like game, riding around on my black steed and slaying goblins, while the boy blasts Radroaches and fiends with a double-barrel shotgun and deals in bottle caps and cigarettes. Also, the official strategy guide to Fallout (which we did not buy) is YOOGE, apparently because there are literally 500 possible endings to this game! Craziness. I may eventually make a character but I'm not sure, because I really do like my games more cute than terrifying. Anyway, check out IGN's awesome Fallout 3 section for reviews, screenshots and more about this cool new game.

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