So I randomly came across mention of this game called
Sadness for the Wii recently and although it doesn't have a release date for the US that I could find, it does sound pretty cool and I would love to try it if I could. It looks to be a survival-horror style adventure game with a story centered on a Victorian-era woman and her blind son in turn-of-the-century Russia. Claiming to make you face your greatest fears, the game deals with themes of paranoia, schizophrenia and nyctophobia, a.k.a. fear of the dark. The game uses the Wii's nunchuk and wiimote controllers as the character's hands, giving the player a sense of immersion into the plot. The latest news on this game is from over a year ago so who knows if this title is languishing on some developer's desk somewhere.
IGN has some pretty cool images that look like concept designs more than anything else, but they do look scary and cool. The game is in all black and white and would be a nice addition to the small but growing library of Wii games aimed at older gamers.
oh god, it returns.
This game was announced when the Wii launched and became infamous since then. I remember being really excited for it. It does and did sound cool, I still hope it comes to fruition. They did have a working demo in the past, but I guess it's all in finding a publisher.
This game was announced when the Wii launched and became infamous since then. I remember being really excited for it. It does and did sound cool, I still hope it comes to fruition. They did have a working demo in the past, but I guess it's all in finding a publisher.
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