I guess the monthly subscription fee wasn't enough of a kick in the balls from Xbox Live, because they seem to have staunchly set standards for their online service to really screw over quite a few loyal gamers out there. First it turned out that if your
free email account from Hotmail or Yahoo expired and was the email you signed up with for XBL, your gamertag expired along with it with no hope of recovering achievements or gamer scores that went with it. Now it turns out that Microsoft feels so strongly about certain "offensive" buzzwords that gamertags with words like "gay" or "Jew" in them are getting banned. One girl who
identified herself as a lesbian in her profile was actually personally kicked off XBL after being harrassed repeatedly by other members. People are assholes as we all know, but it just seems worse when a company like Microsoft is willing to ban the expression of one's identity. Nevermind the hordes of thirteen-year old boys engaging in violent and misogynistic games while calling each other faggots. I guess the use of the word 'gay' is only offensive if you're talking about yourself actually being gay, according to Microsoft anyway.
Microsoft faced a lot of questions. Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, I think Microsoft is only out of this provision.:)
I guess Microsoft doesn't want to get sued. Though they may still end up getting sued with that policy.
They will never learn... no matter how strict their policy is, how many bans they give, until the community consist mainly of immature players with no respect for others, nothing will change.
The only thing such policy brings are innocent players banned, despite they behave fine all the time, but get caught using some "bad word" with no intention to insult.
Thanks for the info, great work... appreciate
Hugh mano
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